Historic Blackland Prairie
Farmersville's commitment to preservation.
Older than Farmersville itself, the Blackland Prairie serves as the backdrop of our beautiful city.
Matt White
Matt White is a prairie ecologist, native Texan, father of four girls, landowner, historian, and bird specialist that is currently working on Mapping and Documenting the Current Ecological Condition....
globally rare high upland eastern gamagrass-swicthgrass prairie. This distinct Blackland prairie type as far as we can tell is the only example of an upland type we are currently aware of in Texas. botanical highlight of the field trip with Matt was him showing me a very large population of scaly blazing star (Liatris squarrosa var. glabrata), a peripheral plant that has only been documented in a few locations in Northeast Texas.We also encountered a nice population of Topeka coneflower (Echinacea atrorubens).

The Texas Blackland Prairies are a temperate grassland ecoregion located in Texas that runs ... This has led to most of the Blackland Prairie ecosystem being converted to crop production, leaving less than one ... to less than 0.1% remaining) and making the tallgrass the most-endangered large ecosystem in North America.

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